
Sorry I haven’t been writing, but ever since I got back from Paris and Amsterdam I have been too busy to get anything done. Update on the wallet situation: I now have both my debit and credit card and both are working, as well as a new student card. I also found one more Starbucks gift card that I did not have with me at the time, so they didn’t get all of them! I also bought a new wallet, so other than my drivers license, which I will get this coming week, I have everything that was taken from me.

Now onto the the more exciting news: Amsterdam! I am just going to start off by saying that I fell in love with this city after just being there a few hours. I could really see myself living there. Everyone is extremely nice and helpful, and happy to speak to you in English, which almost everyone knows. It also was the size of a large city, but felt like a small community. We also never ran out of things to do. There are more museums there than I can count, along with the many gardens, markets, and shopping areas. The weather was in our favor for most of the trip, and it was absolutely beautiful, even in the winter.


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